Wouldn’t it be nice to have temperature or relative humidity alarms texted to your phone, environmental data beamed back to your desktop, or information accessible from anywhere via the web? How else can you monitor inside a sealed vitrine? Wireless dataloggers make all this possible but, despite their appeal, they aren’t right for many applications or institutions. This live chat event focused on currently available wireless datalogger technology and what factors you must evaluate to determine if wireless environmental monitoring is an option for you.
This event was a follow-up to the March live chat, “Choosing the Datalogger That Is Right for You.”
Featured Resources:
- Wireless Dataloggers Presentation with Notes
- Handout from Presentation
- Conserve O Gram 3/3 “Comparing Temperature and Relative Humidity Dataloggers for Museum Monitoring”
Recorded: Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Duration: Approximately 64 minutes
Guest Experts: Rachael Perkins Arenstein, A.M. Art Conservation
Host: Jenny Wiley, Coordinator of Communications and Online Learning, Heritage Preservation
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