National Park Service’s Cold Storage: A Long-Term Preservation Strategy for Film-Based Photographic Materials Web site has video tutorials about the type of photographic materials that are appropriate for cold storage and instructions on how to package, store, monitor, and access them.
A non-Flash version of the Web site is also available.
Some of the topics are also included in series of National Park Service Conserve O Grams:
- Conserve O Gram 14/10 Cold Storage for Photograph Collections – An Overview
- Conserve O Gram 14/11 Cold Storage for Photograph Collections – Using Individual Freezer Unit
- Conserve O Gram 14/12 Cold Storage for Photograph Collections – Vapor-Proof Packaging
Join us Tuesday, August 2 at 2 p.m. EDT for a live question and answer session about the storage of photographic materials with Theresa A. Voellinger, paper and photograph conservator from the National Park Services’ Harpers Ferry Center.