Introduction to Digital Collection Management

This webinar will focus on the basics of managing digital collections and will address both born-digital and digitized records. Maggie Downing, Manager of Digital Imaging at the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts, will discuss scalable strategies and actions for preserving digital collections that can be implemented by institutions of all sizes.


As Manager of Digital Imaging, Maggie Downing oversees all imaging projects at CCAHA including digitization and facsimile printing projects. She also provides consultation services on large-scale digitization project planning and long-term digital preservation.

Maggie is a member of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) and is a recognized Digital Archives Specialist through SAA. She serves on the Board for the Philadelphia Area Conservation Association (PACA) and is a member of the American Institute for Conservation (AIC) Imaging Working Group.



Recording January 19, 2022
Duration: 1 hour 27 minutes