Archive | June, 2017

Cleaning Books and Documents

Cleaning Books and Documents Source: Preservation Advisory Centre, The British Library This recource provides guidance on simple dry cleaning methods for removing surface dirt from bound volumes and unbound papers. Surface dirt is defined as loose material which can be removed without rubbing and without the use of equipment other than brushes, vacuum cleaners, dusters […]

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Photocopying of Library and Archive Materials

Photocopying of Library and Archive Materials Source: Preservation Advisory Centre, The British Library Photocopying, scanning and photography are the most popular methods of copying books, documents and other archive materials. Most libraries and archives provide some form of self-service copying facility for users. Carried out incorrectly, copying can cause severe damage to collection items.

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Using Collections

Using Collections Source: Preservation Advisory Centre, The British Library Much of the damage that library and archive collections sustain is caused by poor handling. Damage is often cumulative and not immediately apparent. A culture of good handling will significantly reduce the need for costly conservation work and ensure continued access to collections.

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Guidance for Exhibiting Archive and Library Materials

Guidance for Exhibiting Archive and Library Materials Source: Preservation Advisory Centre, The British Library The exhibition of archive and library materials has the potential to damage documents and can even lead to loss if security measures are inadequate. Custodians of holdings should be aware of the risks involved from exposure to inappropriate environmental conditions, unsafe […]

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Collection Emergencies FAQ

Collection Emergencies FAQ Source: Library of Congress QUick answers to questions such as what to do if books get we or moldy, how to remove the smoke and other smells from books, soot removal from books, and what to do about book worms and book bugs.

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Care, Handling and Storage of Books

Care, Handling and Storage of Books Source: Library of Congress Taking care when handling any collection item, especially functional items like books with flexing parts, is one of the more effective, cost-efficient, and easily achieved preservation measures.

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