Archive | June, 2017

Recuperacion de siniestros Rescate de libros

Recuperacion de siniestros Rescate de libros Source: Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) Todas las instituciones culturales, la mayoría de las oficinas, y muchas casas particulares almacenan colecciones de libros.

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Emergency Salvage of Moldy Books and Paper (NEDCC)

Emergency Salvage of Moldy Books and Paper Source: Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) For most institutions, mold is a familiar problem on a small scale—a moldy book here and there—and unimaginable on a large scale—a collection wide outbreak of active mold.

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Emergency Salvage of Wet Photographs

Emergency Salvage of Wet Photographs Source: Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) Because of the number of photographic processes and their wide variety, responsible advice for the emergency salvage of all kinds of wet photographs is difficult to provide.

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