REopening Archives, Libraries and Museums (REALM): Caring for Your Resources During COVID-19

Amid COVID-19, many archives, libraries and museums are reopening and expanding access to services in their communities. The challenges of reopening during a pandemic have led to many questions about policies for staff, the handling of materials as well as the management of building operations. From allowing the virus to die naturally, to using disinfectants, to applying UV light or heat treatment—there are many options to consider. This webinar features members of the REopening Archives, Libraries and Museums (REALM) project team who will share information about the project, including freely available resources to support local decision-making.


Bexx Caswell-Olson, Director of Book Conservation, Northeast Document Conservation Center;

Anna Musun-Miller, REALM Toolkit Editor, Museums, OCLC;

Kendra Morgan, Senior Program Manager, OCLC;

Recording March 10, 2021
Duration: 1 Hour 29 Minutes


C2C Care REALM Webinar Resources Presentation
C2C Care REALM Webinar Resources