NAGPRA for the Local Museum: An Introduction to the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

Have you heard of NAGPRA and wondered exactly what it is? And, been puzzled about how and if it applies to your museum? Have you been afraid to find out? In this webinar, we will describe the basics of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, a Federal law pertaining to Native American human remains and cultural items, and when it applies to institutions. We will go over some important NAGPRA terms and concepts, and introduce you to the National NAGPRA website and other resources available. In the end, you will better understand the NAGPRA processes and have practical tips on how to proceed if you think you have NAGPRA related materials in your collection.


Christine Thompson has been an archaeologist for the Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL), Department of Anthropology, Ball State University (BSU) since 2009. Her research interests include the Late Archaic Glacial Kame culture, public archaeology, NAGPRA, and historic battlefields. She works to fulfill the AAL mission of inspiring and preparing BSU Anthropology students for the workforce by providing students hands-on learning opportunities through the fulfillment of grant awards and cultural resource management contracts. Thompson strives to build lasting partnerships with communities, museums, historical societies, American Indian tribes, and other groups while collaborating on funded projects. She has been a co-Principle Investigator for NAGPRA Consultation and Documentation grants in 2012, 2013, and 2015, and a NAGPRA Repatriation grant in 2014. Thompson earned her MA in Anthropology from BSU in 2009 and MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University in 2004.

Recorded: Thursday, November 16, 2017
Duration: 1 Hour 13 minutes


NAGPRA for the Local Museum PowerPoint Slides


NAGPRA for the Local Museum Handout
