Does your institution, or your community, have charge of a cemetery, graveyard, or even a single grave? This webinar will cover the basic steps of caring for historic cemeteries. Topics covered will include an introduction to documentation surveys and forms, an overview of general definitions required for documentation, photography tips, and an introduction to cemetery preservation planning and prioritization. There will also be basic tips for how to clean stone monuments.
Jason Church is a Materials Conservator in the Materials Conservation Program at the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (National Park Service) in Natchitoches, Louisiana. Jason divides his time between conducting in-house research, organizing various training events, and teaching hands-on conservation workshops. Since 2005 he has conducted more than 100 lectures and hands-on training sessions for cemetery conservation. He earned his M.F.A. in Historic Preservation from Savannah College of Art and Design.
Recorded: Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Duration: 1 Hour 28 minutes
Grandma’s Grave PowerPoint Slides