Don’t Fan the Flames: Understanding fire and what to do about it

Every year there are major news stories about fires in cultural heritage institutions or the wildfires threatening them. With the recent incident at Notre Dame fresh in our minds, join Donia Conn to learn about the nature of fire, what can do at your institution to prevent fire, and how to mitigate the impact of a fire. She will cover the chemistry and mechanics of fire, how it spreads, and how a fire department works when they are on site to fight a fire. With this knowledge, participants will gain insight into how their building layout, storage areas, and landscaping affect fire vulnerability. The webinar will enable you to have a more knowledgeable conversation with your local fire department as you build a good working relationship and improve their preparedness to fight a fire at your institution. We will go over how to assess your institution for fire safety and how to create a checklist of problems to correct in order to be as fire ready as possible.


Donia Conn is Assistant Professor of Practice for the Simmons University School of Library and Information Science as well as independent preservation and collection care consultant for small and mid-sized cultural heritage institutions with over 20 years of experience. Ms. Conn is also a private book and paper conservator and a Professional Associate of the American Institute for Conservation (AIC). She earned her BA in Mathematics from St. Olaf College and her MLIS with Advanced Certificate in Conservation from the University of Texas-Austin. Previously, Conn has worked for the Northeast Document Conservation Center, Northwestern University, and Syracuse University.

Recorded: Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Duration: 1 Hour 30 minutes


Don’t Fan the Flames – PowerPoint Slides

Don’t Fan the Flames Handout
