Advocating for Collections During Challenging Times

Oftentimes when people think about advocacy they envision meetings with the civic leaders or visits to Washington DC. While this type of external advocacy for cultural heritage institutions entities is essential, so too is having strong voices within cultural institutions. Internal advocacy can take many different forms but it is crucial for staff at cultural institutions to be able to advocate, to board, administration and other stakeholders, in order to assure that resources are allocated to the many areas of need. Raising awareness will ensure that collections needs are identified, understood, and addressed. Taking into consideration the current COVID-19 crisis many museums, libraries, and archives will face budget shortfalls but collections stewardships is still a core and essential function of these institutions.

In this webinar, co-sponsored by the Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists (ARCS), our presenter will discuss how to utilize advocacy strategies to secure resources and funding for collections stewardship, preservation initiatives, and conservation treatment. She will focus on practical tips, relevant to collecting institutions of every size and budget, for approaching internal advocacy to ensure that preservation is incorporated into all levels and considerations of institutional operation.


Laura Hortz Stanton is Executive Director of the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts (CCAHA), a nonprofit organization in Philadelphia providing conservation treatment, preservation services, and education resources for cultural institutions and collecting organizations. In her role she guides CCAHA’s strategic goals and builds partnerships to strengthen preservation and conservation initiatives across the museum, library, and archives sectors. Prior to assuming the role of Executive Director, Laura was CCAHA’s Director of Preservation Services, and worked with hundreds of organizations on preservation assessments and emergency plans, and taught preservation classes. Laura serves on the Leadership Nominating Committee of the American Association of State and Local History (AASLH). She is a member of the National Heritage Responders of the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation. She also a member of the Member Designation Working Group of the American Institute for Conservation and a member of the Association of Registrars and Collections Specialists. Before joining the staff of CCAHA in 2005, Laura was the Curator of Collections at the Siouxland Heritage Museums in Sioux Falls, SD. She received her BA in Anthropology and Archaeology from Temple University and her MA from the Museum Studies Program at the Cooperstown Graduate Program.

Recorded: Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Duration: 1 Hour 13 Minutes

C2C Care Advocacy June 2020 Presentation
C2C Care Advocacy Webinar June 2020 Resource List
C2C Care Advocacy Webinar June 2020 Chat Transcript

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